Autism is a global health issue, it effects families of all over the world. This morning in New York City the Co-founders of Autism Speaks along with Mrs. Ban Soon-taek, wife of the U.N. Secretary, hosted the Sixth Annual World Focus on Autism, a conference that brings international awareness to autism: Sixth Annual World Focus on Autism.
This is a critical step towards a more conscious and compassionate society. The efforts towards greater awareness gives these special children and their families a stronger presence, and opens up a long overdue conversation about the true nature of autism.
Photographing children for over 25 years, Maria has had the opportunity to work with children who range from several levels on the autism spectrum. There is a need for those who work professionally with children to understand autism and to have that necessary insight for a successful, enriching experience.
We hope we will be able to contribute to the global awareness of autism by sharing the experiences Unique Image has working with children and families who live with autism.